Blog > February 2014 > The Fountain of Youth Within Us

The Fountain of Youth Within Us

The Blood Circulatory System is actually the other half of the Lymphatic System. Western medicine defines them as separate, while Eastern medicine sees them correctly as one. The Circulatory System brings oxygen into the body through the lungs to the heart. The Lymphatic System distributes oxygen directly to the cells from the Circulatory System. Blood is 90% lymph fluid and 10% hemoglobin. The exchange from lymph to blood occurs in the heart. The blood and lymph are filtered at least once by the lymph nodes before returning to the heart.

Unless protein blockages and excess water are removed from the cellular environment, deterioration begins to occur. We receive warnings as symptoms before any disease arises. The first warning sign or change is in the pH. pH is the code for power of Hydrogen and signifies the amount of hydrogen that is present in the body fluids. This determines the alkalinity (health) or acidity (illness) in the cellular environment.

When blockages occur, lymphatic fluid changes color as the health of the body alters. Let's look at the sequence of events that occurs at the cellular level when the body becomes acidic.

* Protein Blockages
     The body produces proteins to run every system and function. Each system has its own specialized proteins which keep it functioning perfectly. Protein blockages are serious and must be removed from the Lymphatic System.

Protein blockages, which are called "trapped proteins", lead to illness and disease. Cleansing the Lymphatic System is imperative to maintain optimum health.

Now, lets look at the different causes of Lymphatic blockage.
  • Negative thoughts and feelings (these are forms of energy or frequencies that cause lymphatic blockages and can cause deterioration of the body).
  • A non-nutritious diet and unclean water (avoid processed and junk foods, additives, food colorings, excess sugar in beverages and food, pesticides, hormones and genetically modified foods (GMOs). Pure water and whole fresh foods help prevent protein blockages from occurring).
  • Drugs (all drugs cause lymphatic blockages; whether prescribed, over-the-counter or street drugs. The human body can only process chemicals which are a normal part of the food chain).
  • Stress (and anxiety....resulting from people, places, things, time and events create emotional discomfort and a feeling of being pressured).
  • Tight clothing (wearing clothes that are tight enough to leave an impression on the skin causes lymphatic blockages. It is also suggested to wear comfortable, natural fiber clothing as often as possible...such as cotton, hemp and silk. Stay away from synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon).
  • Electro-Magnetic Pollution (radiation energy from modern devices such as cell phones, televisions, computer monitors and other electronic equipment affects the proteins in the body. This causes blockages because our body's systems are maintained by proteins which can be altered or destroyed by these devices).
  • Environmental Pollution (such as pesticides, vehicle exhaust, cigarette smoking...including second hand smoke, chemicals in household cleaners, perfumes and deodorants are ingested into the body through the lungs, skin and mouth).
  • Noise Pollution (one of the most dangerous pollutants is loud and excessive noise. The Lymphatic System responds to sound. Discordant sounds can cause blockages, instantly leading to physical, mental and emotional problems, such as anxiety, depression and dysfunctional behavior including ADD and ADHD).
The Results of Blockage
  • Stage One - A feeling of fatigue and a noticeable loss of energy.
  • Stage Two - Intermittent aches, discomfort and chronic pain is experienced.
  • Stage Three - Pain is frequent and the cells are screaming "we need oxygen!" This is called Hypoxia, an extreme lack of oxygen at the cellular level. Unless the Lymphatic System is cleansed at this point, Stage Four (the beginning of disease) will occur.
  • Stage Four - Disease is now apparent. The type of disease is determined by the part of the body affected by the mass of dying cells. The Lymphatic System is becoming increasingly blocked. At this point, Stage Five is eminent.
  • Stage Five - In this stage the oxygen content in the body is extremely low. Confinement to bed becomes necessary. Dying cells are approaching the 20% rate of expiration. Hypoxia is nearly 100% complete and death is near unless the Lymphatic System is cleansed, allowing massive amounts of oxygen into the body and a strict detoxification program is followed. This includes hydration, nutrition, elimination and emotional release.
  • Finally, Stage Six - The Death Hormone is released from the Pituitary Gland, the master gland in the brain, when more than 20% of the cells in the body perish.

Radiant health begins with a clean Lymphatic System. Knowing how the Lymphatic System works and what we can do to maintain it, gives us the key to abundant health and longevity. Now we realize scientifically and are grateful to know that the Lymphatic System is "The Fountain of Youth is Within Us".


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